
Features, Missing Mascots

Missing Mascots: Alex Kidd

The Genesis is a digital graveyard of mascots that were unable to survive the jump to next generation consoles. As time has proven, not even the mightiest and most popular are immune. Take Alex Kidd, for example. Once the unofficial face of Sega and the star of a half dozen adventures, he was laid low by a Sonic boom in 1991. But did he really have to disappear? Was he just the victim of circumstance, or did Sega consciously kill him off?

Features, History Of

History of: Bubsy

During the 16-bit era, mascots were a dime a dozen. Unfortunately for many of them, attempting to recapture Sonic The Hedgehog’s massive success proved much harder than anticipated, and most fell by the wayside. A few did manage to survive into the next generation of consoles, and one such straggler was Bubsy, Accolade’s smart-mouthed bobcat. He didn’t get too far though.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Tom Kalinske (Former CEO of Sega of America)

Sega-16 recently sat for a spell with former Sega of America president Tom Kalinske, and the wealth of information he had to share was astounding. From the company’s internal rivalry to the missed chance Sega had with Sony to develop a joint console and everything in between, Mr. Kalinske shed new light on everything Sega! Want more info? Then check out our exclusive, in-depth interview and see how it all happened!