
Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Sonic & the Secret Rings (Nintendo Wii)

Sega-16 follows each of the stars who made their debut on the Genesis, no matter where time and new technology may take them. No star in Sega’s line up is brighter than Sonic The Hedgehog, and the wiley little mammal has had more than his fair share of disappointments since making the transition to 3D. The good news is that Sonic & the Secret Rings on the Nintendo Wii may change all that.

Features, Sega Gear

Sega Gear: ToTotek Mega Cart

With all the accessories and peripherals available for the Genesis, you’d think you’d seen it all. Not true, my friend! The good people at Tototek have recently released the latest generation of their famous carts, and the new Mega Cart goes far beyond just playing flashed ROMs. Everything from saving CD game saves to playing imports can all be done with one handy cartridge.

Developer's Den, Features

Developer’s Den: Working Designs

Few companies have aroused such fiery emotions among gamers than Working Designs. Love it or hate it, you had to admit that it had an effect on the industry that bellied its size. From its incredible packaging to a seemingly never-ending series of agonizing delays, Working Designs did almost as many things wrong as it did right. Sega-16 examines the history of this controversial company in the latest installment of Developer’s Den.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Chris George (Clockwork Tortoise Artist)

Gamers looking for a challenging and impressive action game need look no further than Sega’s Adventures of Batman & Robin. Awesome graphical effects and some great boss battles make this one a classic. Sega-16 recently chatted with Chris George, a former artist for Adventures developer Clockwork Tortoise, and he had quite a bit to say about his time at Sega and the creation of this memorable game.