We say goodbye to March with this month’s Reader Roundtable, where Sega-16 staff and readers give you the lowdown on what they’ve been playing this merry month. There’s a great selection of games this time around, and you’d be surprised at how many obscure titles get their chance to shine (or be openly ridiculed if they deserve it!). Check out the full article and enjoy! Don’t forget that we urge all our readers to chime in. We’d love to hear from you!
Behind the Design: Adventures of Willy Beamish
We all love to pop in a game and enjoy what it offers, never really stopping to consider all the work that goes into making that little case of plastic and silicon turn into something worth playing. Often, the development process is much harder than one would think, and occasionally, it’s downright horrible. One game that experienced more than its fair share of problems was the Adventures of Willy Beamish on the Sega CD. From difficulties getting authorization from Sega to working around the Sega CD’s terribly slow drive, poor Willy almost never got off the ground.
Sega Download: Genesis Virtual Console Vol. 03
The Wii may still be scarce in stores, but there’s plenty of Genesis goodness available for download on the Virtual Console. Sega-16 staff writer Tom Briggs takes a look at the latest releases for Nintendo’s fledgling service, and gives you the low down on what you should be playing. Is there anything worth downloading?
Interview: Fonzie Voltnov (Watermelon Games Programmer)
There have been some efforts over the last few years to finish up and release those few Sega CD titles that never made it to market, such as the ChuChu Rocket inspired Mighty Mighty Missile, and most recently Burning Fists: Force Striker. These two made their appearances on the Sega CD as commerical releases published by Good Deal Games and can be purchased from them, along with a few other Sega CD rarities. Sega-16 recently had the chance to talk to one of the people involved with these two games, as well as the great new Mega Cart by Tototek, Fonzie Voltnov. He shared his experiences on after-market products for the Genesis and Sega CD, as well as some upcoming projects.
Genre Spotlight: Full-Motion Video Madness
Sega-16’s Genre Spotlight series is designed to examine every single Genesis/Sega CD/32X title available for a specific category, be it fighters, RPGs, or shmups. It’s a hard, time-consuming thing to do, but all other entries pale before this latest installment. Staff writer Patrick Wainwright has boldly gone where no one has gone before: full motion video games. Yes, Patrick dove head-first into perhaps the most controversial genre of them all, and his hard work has given us a great piece on all the FMV games released for the Sega CD/32X. Check out his awesome article Full Motion Madness for all the details. Welcome to the Next Level.