After months and months of rumors and speculation, Sega finally announced its support of Xbox Live Arcade last week at E3. While the initial offerings are slim (only two games), the mere fact that we’ll now be getting plenty of Genesis goodness on our Xbox 360s is reason enough for Segaphiles to be happy. We’re celebrating the news with a brand new article series. Genesis Live Arcade will serve as a sister article to our current Genesis Virtual Console series and will continue to bring our hands-on recommendations about the newest games each month as they’re released. We kick things off with a report on the first two games available: Golden Axe (arcade) and Sonic The Hedgehog. Read the full article and see if these two are worth your Microsoft points!
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 15
Time passes, but great consoles are forever. Sega-16 contributor Denis O’Donoghue was reintroduced to the wonder of the Sega Genesis through the miracle of emulation, and soon his need for 16-bit Sega was too much to contain! After attaining a console and some carts, an old friend is welcomed back to the fold. Check out the latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis and witness one man’s journey of rediscovery.
MEGA Bites Vol. 03
Some sad news awaits Genesis fans in regard to the revival of one of its most famous franchises, but luckily there’s some great news on the fan translation end to ease the pain. When you think about it, there’s an interesting spread of news this month. Good, bad, and downright confusing gives this installment of MEGA Bytes something for every Genesis fan to read!
Interview: David Siller (Designer of Aero the Acrobat)
Many third party companies from the Genesis era disappeared at the end of the 16-bit era, unable to make the transition to new hardware. Of those that did, many more eventually capitulated under the strain of increased development costs. Sunsoft was one publisher that though quite strong on 8-bit machines, became increasingly unable to sustain itself as gaming consoles progressed. Sega-16 was fortunate to speak with former Sunsoft game designer David Siller about the company’s role on the Genesis and subsequent demise. We also chatted with him about his creation of Aero the Acrobat, as well as his adventure as as Sushi-X, the mysterious, fighting game-loving character featured in Electronic Gaming Monthly.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 19
One thing you can always count on is that somewhere, someone is playing some great games from yesteryear. Here at Sega-16, we just love to share those Genesis titles that are currently burning up our consoles, and our readers congregate once a month to tell us what they’ve been playing. This month’s Reader Roundtable features a group of games that range from classics to out-and-out stinkers. Read the full article and see what your fellow Segaphiles are up to!