
Features, Interviews

Interview: David Foley (Programmer)

There are quite a number of a industry personalities today that have a tenure at Sega somewhere on their résumé. Many designers, artists, and programmers either got their starts at the fabled company or made a stop there sometime on the road to success. David Foley is a great example of the latter. Working at Sega as both a designer and programmer, he took part in many famous projects, including Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin and Chakan. He also played a major part in bringing the Sega Channel to thousands of happy homes across America. Ultimately, Foley moved on to found several companies and enjoy the fruits of his efforts as an entrepreneur.

Features, Power Battles

Genesis Power Battles Vol. 06: Peter Phoenix vs. Mighty the Armadillo

Somewhere, while Joe Musashi sharpens his katana and Sonic laces up his sneakers, a fight is brewing. While the big names in the Genesis universe prepare to test their mettle in combat, some of the lesser known characters are already having at it. Case in point: Peter the Phoenix from Shining Force engages in an all-out brawl with Mighty the Armadillo of Knuckles Chaotix fame. Both have their strengths, but only one can win the latest round of the Genesis Power Battle. Read the full article and see who comes out as top dog in the ensamble category.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 17

Everyone considers themselves to be gamers, but at what point does one cross the line into the realm of collecting? When does one stop being merely a gamer and become a collector? Sometimes, the line is crossed without one even knowing, and by the time it’s become apparent, you’re knee-deep in Genesis games. That’s the story of Sega-16 contributor Damien Jennison, who came to such a realization when his 200th Genesis game showed up on his doorstep.

Editorials, Features

Beggar Prince: The Third Time’s the Charm

We recently spoke to Super Fighter Team president Brandon Cobb, and he’s given us the exclusive first look at the third – and final- run of the action/RPG that’s taken the Genesis world by storm. There’s been some major changes to Beggar Prince, and Cobb’s group has taken the concerns and requests of the gaming community to heart in order to provide the best possible product. What’s new to this version, exactly? Read on, dear friend and find out!