Aquatic hero James Pond is trying to make a comeback via Kickstarter, and we just had to get more info on the character’s history and impending return. To that end, Sega-16 recently chatted with Pond creator Chris Sorrell about the development of the series and what the future has in store for the Underwater Agent.
Interview: Brian Colin (Creator of General Chaos)
General Chaos is a true Genesis classic, offering great multi-player action for up to four players. One of the minds behind it was Brian Colin, an industry veteran behind arcade classics like Rampage, Xenophobe, and Discs of Tron. Sega-16 was lucky enough to talk with him about his work on Chaos, as well as other Game Refuge projects for the Genesis.
Interview: Kevin Seghetti (Programmer)
Being an independent contractor during the 16-bit era was pretty hectic, and the games we took for granted on store shelves often had turbulent histories behind them. Kevin Seghetti knows all about that, as he was involved in the creation the Razorsoft titles TechnoCop & Stormlord. He also worked with the Master System and SNES.
Interview: Joe Miller (SOA Senior VP of Product Dev.)
For more than a decade, Joe Miller has been seen almost exclusively as the virtual father of the 32X. What most people don’t know is that his role at Sega as Senior Vice President of Product Development was mostly software-driven, and though he saw the launch of almost a half-dozen platforms, he oversaw over a hundred in-house games and was involved with everything from the Sega Channel to the Multimedia Studio.
Interview: Ed Annunziata (SOA Producer)
Genesis fans might not be able to call out Ed Annunziata’s name on cue, but they probably can’t mention some of their favorite games without mentioning one that has his stamp on it. As the major force behind such franchises as Chakan The Forever Man, Ecco the Dolphin and Kolibri, he was all over Sega’s 16-bit console.