
Features, Interviews

Interview: Joe Miller (SOA Senior VP of Product Dev.)

For more than a decade, Joe Miller has been seen almost exclusively as the virtual father of the 32X. What most people don’t know is that his role at Sega as Senior Vice President of Product Development was mostly software-driven, and though he saw the launch of almost a half-dozen platforms, he oversaw over a hundred in-house games and was involved with everything from the Sega Channel to the Multimedia Studio.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Scot Bayless (SOA Technical Director)

Through the turbulent early ’90s Sega of America underwent a massive transformation that resulted in market dominance. Employees of the company during this time took part in a roller-coaster of a business that rose and crashed almost too fast to comprehend. One person with a front row seat to these events was Scot Bayless, a former Technical Director and producer for SOA.