
Features, Interviews

Interview: Chris Bergstresser (Sega Product Manager)

Sega-16 recently got the chance to speak to someone intimately involved with the Sega Channel, Sega product manager Chris Bergstresser, who also happened to deal with third party publishing agreements. He had a big hand in what was released on the Sega Channel, as well as those games brought directly onto the console via retail. Read our full interview for all the details.

Features, Interviews

Interview: PBC Productions (Creators of Captain S Series)

Nintendo fans had a blast in the late ’80s and early ’90s watching Captain N the Game Master. An average guy being warped into his favorite video games was a great concept, and Sega fans were left out. No more! PBC Productions, a New York-based film group, has spoofed the famous Nintendo series with one of their own. Called The New Adventures of Captain S, it features perhaps the biggest Sega Genesis fan in the world facing off against the evil NES and his Game Genie overlord. The series also spoofs other ’90s series, like Saved By the Bell, and is just great fun to watch. Sega-16 recently spoke with PBC head Chad Williams and Captain S himself Brett Vanderbrook about their wonderful series.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Brian Coburn (SOA Composer & Sound Designer)

Sega has had many in-house composers over the years, but it was definitely at its prime during the Genesis era with the Sega Multimedia Studio. A crack team of sound designers and musicians, the studio was privy to the most modern equipment available, and it was responsible for scoring many Sega CD titles, like Ecco the Dolphin. Sega-16 recently sat for a bit with Brian Coburn, one of the many talented people who worked at the Multimedia Studio. A veteran of the music industry, Corburn went to great lengths to capture the sounds he needed, even almost getting bitten by an alligator while working on Jurassic Park CD!

Features, Interviews

Interview: Peter Morawiec (STI Programmer)

In our tireless efforts to document every aspect of the Genesis experience, Sega-16 has spoken to literally dozens of personalities from the era, including half a dozen former members of the Sega Technical Institute. Recently, we spoke with Peter Morawiec, designer of Comix Zone and Sonic Spinball. Mr. Morawiec had a lot of great stories to share about his work at the STI and his time at Sega, and he’s graciously provided us with never-before-seen concept art and demo videos of the aforementioned games, as well as a Sonic game that to have been based on the Sonic SATM cartoon. This video hasn’t been seen in years, and probably by no one outside of the STI itself! What are you waiting for?

Features, Interviews

Interview: Chris Senn (STI Artist)

At the height of the 16-bit era, an elite group of creators enjoyed creative freedom at Sega that many developers today would kill for. The Sega Technical Institute was the home of some of the brightest minds in the industry, including Mark Cerny, Peter Morawiec, and Roger Hector. Among them was a young artist who would go on to work on one of the most controversial titles in Sega’s history, Sonic Xtreme. Chris Senn saw his fair share of interesting things while he worked at the House that Sonic Built, and he recently chatted with Sega-16 about his experiences.