
Features, Interviews

Interview: Matt Harmon (Designer & Programmer)

It seems odd that a company would develop a title almost to completion, only to shelve it at the eleventh hour. Yet such behavior is common in the game industry for a multitude of reasons, and many games are never released though being virtually completed. It Came from the Desert is an example of corporate decisions leaving development out in the cold. Sega-16 contributor Brandon Cobb recently spoke to Matt Harmon, the man behind the game, about its creation and subsequent termination.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Spencer Nilsen (Composer)

He’s one of the most notable composers of the 16-bit era, and for some, one of the most controversial. Spencer Nilsen has been writing music for all forms of media for almost twenty years, and he has a particular place in the history of the Genesis and Sega CD. Sega-16 was fortunate enough to chat with him for a spell, so read the interview and see what he thinks of the whole Sonic CD soundtrack controversy!

Features, Interviews

Interview: Rey Jimenez (SOA Associate Producer)

Capcom has been on a tear lately, reviving several old franchises for current consoles. One series that’s been given special attention is Commando, with both Bionic Commando and MERCS receiving upgrades for both the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. Being the inquisitive nuts that we are, we cornered Commando 3: Wold of the Battlefield associate producer Rey Jimenez for some details behind the new game released this past June.