History Of

Features, History Of

History of: ToeJam & Earl

In 1991, Sega released a title that was a world apart from the standard platformers and shooting games of the era. ToeJam & Earl took the Genesis by storm with its seamless mix of hip-hop beats, random levels, and simultaneous two-player gameplay. A true Genesis classic, it set a standard for multi-player games that has withstood the test of time. Read about the complete history of the franchise in our retrospective, and get your groove on!

Features, History Of

History of: Golden Axe

Legendary. Classic. Timeless. These are only a few of the adjectives one could use to describe the Golden Axe franchise, which has been sorely abandoned for the last few years. Back in 1989, any arcade worth its salt had a Golden Axe unit prominently displayed. Gamers went wild for it and Sega had yet another hit to add to its repertoire of classics.

Features, History Of

History of: Shinobi

Shinobi was recently given a new lease on life with releases on the Playstation 2 and Game Boy Advance. Hopefully, this signifies the resurgence of everyone’s favorite ninja and many more games in the future. Read our complete retrospective on the series, and watch out for the shurikens!

Features, History Of

History of: OutRun

We’re seeing a resurgence of the OutRun franchise with the release of OutRun Online Arcade on Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network. With a history spanning almost twenty years, it’s very hard to have been a gamer for long and not have played even one entry in the series.

Features, History Of

History of: Shining Games

Very few RPG series stand the test of time. Sure, a few sequels might spring up here and there over the course of a few years, but how many of them last for over a decade? I can think of a couple, like Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Zelda, and perhaps a few others. These all have their charm and place in gaming history, to be sure. There is one franchise, however, that while not exactly a series per se, it has endured in one incarnation or another for almost fifteen years… the Shining series.