
Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Gunstar Super Heroes (GBA)

So it’s out, and you’ve probably been playing the heck out it for the past couple of weeks. Yep, Gunstar Super Heroes is probably the center of your life right now. What? No? You haven’t rushed out and bought a copy yet? Then you need to read our product review and see what you’re missing. Trust us, if you own a GBA, then you need this game.

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Sega Classics Collection (PlayStation 2)

Sega is pretty hit-and-miss when it comes to compilations. None of its sets have ever been perfect, from the obligatorily Sonic CD-less Sonic collections, to the audio-butchered Sega Smash Packs, all have lacked something vital. With the practice of re-releasing classics titles very much in vogue at the moment, it seemed like the perfect moment for Sega to learn from past mistakes and finally give the masses what they want… and in typical Sega style, it missed the boat…again.