
Editorials, Features

America’s Least Wanted Vol. 02: The Case Against the Genesis

Consider if you will, the fact that every console has it’s fair share of crappy games. Those that are so bad that they are the subject of pity and mocking, moreso than scorn. Experienced Sega gamers know which ones to avoid, but what of those unfortunate souls who haplessly stumble into them? Who is held accountable? What if the competition of the era decided to call Sega out on it’s use of the Seal of Quality? Who would they place such a massive responsibility on? Why, attorney extraordinaire Phoenix Wright, that’s who! Only Harvey Birdman is more famous, and if there’s anyone who’s able to get to the bottom of this barrel of turds, it is he! We were lucky enough to get a glance at his pre-trial notes, so read the second installment of our America’s Least Wanted series before he finds out! OBJECTION!

Editorials, Features

Party Night: Killing Time & Making Memories with Genesis

Tired of Halo LAN parties? Bored with crushing the competition online? Maxed out your World of Warcraft character? Time then, to kick it old school and show your friends how multi-player was when everyone had to be in the same room! The Genesis holds its own in this department, and staff writer Nick Gibson has gone through its multi-player line up to pick out those that are sure to make your pals respect their roots. Read his full report in our latest feature Party Night: Killing Time & Making Memories with Genesis and get ready to break out that multi-tap!

Editorials, Features

Genesis on Xbox Live Arcade? Why Not?

With more than a million downloads on the Virtual Console, Nintendo is seeing a massive interest in classic titles. Sega has been taking advantage of this bonanza, already bringing Genesis games to Nintendo’s fledgling service and with plans to offer many more. So if there’s definitely an interest in its back catalogue, why limit itself to only Nintendo’s console? Could there be an advantage to Sega making its 16-bit games available on Xbox Live Arcade? Sega-16 takes a long, hard look at this possibility, and the answer is deeper than you’d think.

Editorials, Features

First-Person Shooter Games on Genesis: Ambition or Folly?

During its run, the Genesis had several attempts at cashing in on the burgeoning first-person shooter genre. Everything from wholly original titles to such cash cows as Duke Nukem 3D somehow found their way onto the console. But was it too much too soon? Was the Genesis even capable of doing this modern genre the justice needed to make its games enjoyable and most of all, playable?