
Editorials, Features

Sega Bowl: 2009 Fiesta Bowl

It’s college bowl season, and Sega-16 is right in the action with coverage. We’ve run simulations of each game on Genesis hardware, and we’ll be comparing our results to the actual games! What? You want in on it too? Well all right then! Check out the Fiesta Bowl article and see how it holds up to the game itself.

Editorials, Features

R.B.I. Baseball Grand Slam

Baseball season has come and gone, and while Phillies fans are still celebrating, everyone else is looking forward to next year. In the meantime, why not keep yourself occupied with one of the many baseball games on the Genesis? Tengen was a big supporter of the genre, offering several installments of its renowned R.B.I. Baseball series for 16-bit gamers, and we’ve laid them out for you in one handy little article. Read up on the whole series in R.B.I. Baseball: 16-Bit Grand Slam and see which is the game for you.

Editorials, Features

For Collectors & Players Alike: Ultr@ R@re Games

Ever wonder which Genesis games are the rarest? It’s a debate that rages constantly, and those out to complete their collections are sometimes left wondering why certain titles cost so darn much. Others aren’t quite as expensive but can be a pain to find in complete condition. It’s a good thing Sega-16 is here for ya then! To give you an idea of what games to watch out for (and which will put some serious hurt on your wallet), staff writer Zebbe has compiled a handy guide to rare games on the console and its two add-ons. For Collectors & Players Alike: Ultr@ R@re Games is a great jump on point for those wondering which games are the rarest around. Read the full article and start saving those pennies!

Editorials, Features

Best Two-Player Cooperative Games

With the advent of online gaming and people’s sudden interest in slinging Wiimotes everywhere, multi-player gaming is bigger than ever. It’s always been around though, and the Genesis has an ample selection of games that can be enjoyed by two players. Sega-16 staff and readers had an ongoing conversation about which ones are the most notable, and their findings have morphed into a handy guide! Read the full article and feel free to contribute any one’s we might have missed!

Editorials, Features

Beggar Prince: The Third Time’s the Charm

We recently spoke to Super Fighter Team president Brandon Cobb, and he’s given us the exclusive first look at the third – and final- run of the action/RPG that’s taken the Genesis world by storm. There’s been some major changes to Beggar Prince, and Cobb’s group has taken the concerns and requests of the gaming community to heart in order to provide the best possible product. What’s new to this version, exactly? Read on, dear friend and find out!