For Sega fans, the holidays means booting up Christmas NiGHTS on Saturn. Chock full of festive joy and seasonal cheer, the game was an amazing freebie Sega gave Saturn owners. In this interview from 1997, Sonic Team explains how the game came about and why they wanted it to be released for free. Enjoy it, then go play some Christmas NiGHTS! Happy holidays!
Author: Andrej Preradovic
Classic Interview: Makoto Uchida (Die Hard Arcade)
These two interviews with AM1 Designer and Director Makoto Uchida were originally published in the October/November 1997 issue of Sega Saturn Magazine and on Sega’s website circa 1997. They contain some interesting information regarding what would become Sega’s most successful American-developed arcade game and a Saturn classic.
Classic Interview: Rikiya Nakagawa (AM1 Head)
This interview excerpt was originally published in the August/September 2000 issue of the Japanese Dreamcast magazine. While the actual interview is much longer, this translated section includes information specific to Rikiya Nakagawa’s early days at Sega and his work on arcade titles.
Classic Interview: Susumi Hirai (Die Hard Arcade Programmer)
This 1996 interview with AM1 programmer Susumi Hirai was originally published in the August 1996 issue of Sega Saturn Magazine. It holds some interesting tidbits of information regarding what would become Sega’s most successful American-developed arcade game, and a Saturn classic.
Classic Interview: Yoshiki Ooka (Gain Ground Programmer)
Gain Ground is a classic Sega arcade game that still manages to be under most people’s radar, despite ports to several consoles. The arcade original’s history is quite an interesting tale, and this 2003 interview was translated for the book “The Sega Arcade Revolution: A History in 62 Games.” Read on and see how the game was made!