Author: Sebastian Sponsel

Genesis Reviews

Art of Fighting

Not to be outdone by rival Capcom, SNK released a bazillion fighting series on every platform short of the pocket calculator (though I’m sure it’s probably out there). Among they plethora of brawling goodness unleashed up on button mashers everywhere was the Art of Fighting series, known for its massive sprites and nausea-inducing zoom effect. The game was eventually reprogrammed by Sega and released on the Genesis, and the sprites and zoom were only two things missing that had made the coin-op so popular.

Genesis Reviews

Universal Soldier

Accolade took the superb game that was Turrican II and dressed it up to tie in with the film release of the Van Damme vehicle Universal Soldier. The result was a hodgepodge of good and bad moments, but the game’s true heritage manages to shine through long enough to actually overcome the questionable licensing. If you’re a fan of the Turrican series (and you should be), you need to play this one, especially if you haven’t played Turrican II in its unaltered, awesome original form.

Genesis Reviews

Cutthroat Island

When you look at the video game release of Cutthroat Island, only two plausible scenarios come to mind about its release: either it was expected to cash in on a massive summer blockbuster, or it was a last ditch effort to ride the tsunami-like wave the film made when it belly flopped at the box office. After seeing Cutthroat Island and playing the game, we have to go with the latter. Read the full review and be thankful that people really, really love pirates. This turd almost spelled the end for them in movies forever.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 28

It’s always interesting to find something game-related in the wild, especially when it’s in another country. Staff writer Sebastian Sponsel has had his share of experiences with the bootleg underworld of Argentina’s gaming scene, but this time he’s gone head first into it! Check out his tale in installment #28 of Stories from the Book of Genesis.