Author: Sebastian Sponsel

Features, History Of

History of: Virtua Fighter

Sega changed the fighting game landscape forever with the release of Virtua Fighter, the game many people consider to be crucial to ushering in the 32-bit generation. Sega’s 3D blockbuster also received a very good 32X port, and its sequel was even brought to the Genesis! Yes, this franchise has a long and storied history, and we take a detailed look at it in our complete retrospective.

Features, Tech Talk

Tech Talk: Zero Tolerance Link Cable

Playing co-op on the Genesis is a common occurrence, but it’s an entirely different situation when two consoles are involved. Take the first-person shooter Zero Tolerance, for example. How would you like to play it on two separate Genesis machines? Or what about using two Nomads? There actually was a cable offered for just such a thing back when the game was released, but those are now few and far between. Making one of your own isn’t all that hard though, and staff writer Sebastian Sponsel shows us how in the latest installment of Tech Talk.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 30

Everyone remembers their first Genesis console, but how many remember their sixth? It’s been our experience that many Genesis owners have multiple versions of the hardware, from many different regions, a truly interesting example of console dedication. It takes a truly devoted fan to share the love and give so many systems a happy home, especially in this age of emulation.