Author: Nick Durham

Genesis Reviews

Judge Dredd

Most people avoid licensed movie games like the law on a weekend. Acclaim’s Judge Dredd is a good example why. It tried hard to emulate the movie it’s licensed from, and it did it perfectly; both suck. Read the full review for all the sorry details.

Genesis Reviews

Rings of Power

If you’re looking for another RPG to play, there are probably a bunch of Electronic Arts PC ports that you haven’t tried yet. Many gamers shied away from what appeared to be daunting quests, and the like of Might & Magic II: Gates to Another World, King’s Bounty, and Rings of Power were passed over by far too many would-be adventurers. That last title boasts one of the largest adventure worlds on the console, and if it weren’t for the incredibly slow-paced gameplay, more people would have enjoyed what is otherwise a great Tolkien-like adventure.

Genesis Reviews

Robocop 3

Robocop is widely considered by many to be a classic of modern science fiction cinema. Its sequels… not so much. The difference between the original and later installments is night and day, and this contrast also applies to the various video game adaptations released over the years. Everyone loves Data East’s Robocop arcade game, but the sequels are widely reviled, no matter the platform they’re on. One need look little further than Flying Edge’s port of Robocop 3 to see just how bad movie games can be. But hey, at least it’s faithful to its source material!

Genesis Reviews

Wolverine: Adamantium Rage

For more than 30 years, Marvel’s Wolverine has been among comic’s most popular heroes, and as with most popular do-gooders (just ask Batman and Superman), video games has not treated him too kindly. From the NES LJN nightmare to his lackluster outing in Wolverine’s Revenge, it seems that only recently, with the excellent X-Men Origins: Wolverine game, that the industry finally got it right. Somewhere in all that mess lies Wolvie’s only solo Genesis outing, Wolverine: Adamantium Rage, a title that suffers from unintuitive control and some questionable difficulty. Still itchin’ for a scrap after that description? Then read our full review for all the flamin’ details, bub.