Author: Ken Horowitz

Sega CD Reviews

Anet Futatabi

Sequels are always anticipated, but some turn out to be less than expected. Such was the case with Wolf Team’s Anet Futatabi, the third game in the trilogy surrounding Anet Myers and Earnest Evans. Expectations were high, but heads were hung low upon release. Care to taste our disappointment? Read our full review.

Features, Previews

Preview: Beggar Prince

As you may already know, the Super Fighter Team is putting the final touches on Beggar Prince, the first new Genesis release in almost a decade. Sega-16 was fortunate to get all the tasty details about the localization process, as well as talk to project leader Brandon Cobb about the experience! Read all about it in our exclusive preview!

Genesis Reviews

Shining in the Darkness

Like RPGs? Good! We’ve got a review of the one that started the entire line of Shining games. Sega’s 1991 monster adventure, Shining in the Darkness, ushered in a new era of quality titles that have all maintained some sort of relation to each other, and have spawned over fifteen entries on more than half a dozen consoles. Read on, and see where it all began.