Author: Ken Horowitz

Sega CD Reviews

Mansion of Hidden Souls

There isn’t much to say about FMV games, except that a few were halfway decent. Among all the standard “press here and watch what happens” titles, one stood out as an interesting use of the medium. Mansion of Hidden Souls showed that there was some merit to the technology, and it set the stage for later CG adventures like D and Enemy Zero.

Editorials, Features

Genesis: The House of Mouse

Farmed out to several developers, the Mickey Mouse titles don’t constitute a franchise per se, as none of the games are related in any sense. Moreover, the only thing any of them have in common is the fact that they all star Mickey. This is perhaps the main reason for the varying levels of quality we find among them. Regardless, these are all games worthy of mention. Thus, in honor of Mickey Mouse’s 76th birthday, Sega-16 looks back on all of his adventures in 16-bit.