Author: Ken Horowitz

Sega 32X Reviews


The 32X found some light-hearted platforming action with Sega’s off-the-wall platformer Tempo. It’s colorful and completely weird, and it’s also a 32X exclusive. If you own the little mushroom and are looking for a solid platformer for it, then give Tempo a try. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll scramble to lower the volume once the cows start yodeling.

Features, Holiday Gaming

Holiday Gaming: Thanksgiving Pigskin Round-up

Thanksgiving: a time for family, counting our blessings, the largest spread of food you’ll see all year, and football! Yes, Americans love their football. The holiday just wouldn’t be complete without it. The Genesis is especially strong in this area, boasting the best pigskin games during the 16-bit era. There’s something for everyone here, even those looking for something less…traditional.

Sega CD Reviews

After Burner III

Nothing is more depressing than seeing a beloved franchise take a hit in the family jewels. Such was the case with After Burner III, a game that ignited its thrusters to make a mach 3 jump from awesome to “just plain sucks.” Take a deep breath, leave your expectations at the door, and head on in to our full review.