Author: Ken Horowitz

Editorials, Features

Sega: Shaking the Tree or Burning Bridges?

For years now, many gamers have wondered what Sega’s plans are concerning their back catalogue of games. We’ve seen a few brands rise from their graves, like OutRun and Ecco the Dolphin, but there’s growing concern about the future of two of their premier RPG series: The Shining games and Phantasy Star. Where are they going? Will we ever see new entries in the classic style?

Genesis Reviews

Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun

There’s nothing like a four-day weekend for getting caught up on one’s gaming pile of shame. Amid several hour stretches of Dragon Quest VIII (screw the haters; it’s amazing), some love was also given to another famous RPG series, which only saw one outing on the Genesis – Dungeons & Dragons. Warriors of the Eternal Sun is short and sweet and very much worth checking out.

Sega 32X Reviews


The 32X found some light-hearted platforming action with Sega’s off-the-wall platformer Tempo. It’s colorful and completely weird, and it’s also a 32X exclusive. If you own the little mushroom and are looking for a solid platformer for it, then give Tempo a try. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll scramble to lower the volume once the cows start yodeling.