The only game in the Langrisser series to make it to America, Warsong enamored gamers with its deep gameplay and great music. It’s definitely one title you’ll want on your shelf.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Interview: Denny Thorley (Co-Founder of FASA Interactive)
You’ll enjoy reading our exclusive interview with Day 1 Studios chief Denny Thorley; we’re sure of it. Sega-16 got some interesting tidbits of info regarding the future of the Shadowrun franchise and the true relationship between BattleTech and the Xbox blockbuster Mechassault.
BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat
We’ve got a great way for you to cap off your week. First, a review of that awesome mech action game, BattleTech. Blowing things up has never been so much fun, and nothing equals the sheer euphoria of watching your enemies driven before you, except maybe hearing the lamentations of their women.
History of: Space Harrier
Harrier has been around for over twenty years, yet hasn’t had the exposure such an enduring series deserves. Maybe that has something to do with him only having four original games? Regardless, he’s a true icon, and we’ve got a special retrospective of Sega’s most famous flying man.
Batman: The Video Game
The first review of the new year! Sega-16 starts 2006 six with a batarang, with a review of the first of the Dark Knight’s adventures on the Genesis. Batman: The Video Game came out in the shadow of the awesome NES release, but was it better? You’ll have to read our review to find out!