Author: Ken Horowitz

Editorials, Features

Next Genesis Revolution

Nintendo’s recent announcement that their soon-to-be-released Revolution console will play both Genesis and Turbo Grafx-16 games has sent shockwaves through the gaming community, but who exactly is to benefit? Will long-time Sega fans line up to pay to play their favorite classics, or will they snub the former hardware rivals? How will the mainstream react? These are all questions that only time will answer, and Sega-16 takes a look at the whole issue in our latest editorial The Next Genesis Revolution.

Genesis Reviews

Body Count

Why do companies release peripherals, only to let them starve to death? Sega’s Menacer often comes to mind whenever Genesis fans ask this very question. There were very few games for it, and one of the best was left in Europe (a rare example of PAL gamers getting a game U.S. Genesis owners didn’t). Body Count was an alien-filled romp packed with great graphics and intense action, and Sega never released it stateside.

Features, History Of

History of: Landstalker

Ever since the original Landstalker made its debut back in 1993, Climax Entertainment has repeatedly left us wanting more. Several spiritual sequels have been released, the greatest of all done by someone other than Climax itself. Now, with the franchise’s upcoming return on the Sony PSP and Playstation consoles, Sega-16 takes a look back at all the games released until now.

Features, Previews

Preview: Burning Fists: Force Striker

After over a decade in the hands of private collectors, a new Sega CD game is about to make its debut. Burning Fists: Force Striker is currently being finished up by Good Deal Games and is slated for release at next month’s CiniClassic! To whet your appetite, Sega-16 has a full preview, including some info straight from GDG itself and even a beta video! Miss it not!