Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, Sega Gear

Sega Gear: Galoob’s Game Genie

Every gamer has had a game that simply took him to task. Mind-bending difficulty, a nasty boss – all of them were enough to make a person rip out his hair. Thank goodness for Galoob’s Game Genie! A neat little game enhancer that had limited converter cart abilities in addition to thousands of codes for hundreds of games, its functionality is only equalled by its versatility. Fourteen years after its release, gamers are still coming up with new codes. How’s that for staying power?

Genesis Reviews

Gauntlet IV

Tengen had a huge presence on the Genesis, offering plenty of Atari classics that were very close to the originals. In some cases, they were actually better. Gauntlet IV was one such title, and it added to the already awesome multi-player mayhem by adding a ton of extra modes and full four-player support. It just didn’t get any better than this.

Sega CD Reviews

Time Gal

FMV games – love ’em or hate ’em, they’re a big part of the Sega CD’s history. Some were actually worth playing, although your mileage may vary as to how much. One title that is worth a play or two is Wolf Team’s humoristic Time Gal, which sends the player on an obstacle-filled romp through different periods in history. It didn’t set the world on fire, but it didn’t burn anyone’s house down either. If you’re looking for another disc to spin in your Sega CD, this one’s good for a few hours.