Author: Ken Horowitz

Sega CD Reviews

Revengers of Vengeance

Tsk, I’m so disappointed. This could have been a fusion of genres on a level not seen since The Guardian Legend, and it instead is only a step away from being a total train wreck. Revengers of Vengeance shows potential and promise in several areas, only to ruin it all through horrible execution. On the bright side, we now have a blueprint of how not to make a hybrid.

Editorials, Features

Beggar Prince: The Start of Something Good?

Late last month, Super Fighter Team began to ship Beggar Prince, to the delight of fans everywhere. The first commercially-released Genesis game released in almost a decade, it’s an exciting moment for the console’s otherwise quiet homebrew scene. As Sega-16 discussed last week, there hasn’t been much of a buzz when it comes to independent work on the console, but Beggar Prince might actually the catalyst to change all that. It’s success may be just the push needed to show that there truly is genuine interest in new titles and translations, and though it’s too early to tell, we may just yet be able to partake in the indy lovin’ that other retro consoles currently enjoy. Possibility or pipe dream? Our latest editorial, Beggar Prince: Start of Something Good? examines this scenario and the chances of it actually happening, so read on Sega fans…

Features, Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation: Surging Aura

Today we begin a new feature series that takes a look at the various fan translation projects that remain uncompleted. First up is one of the most wanted: Sega’s Surging Aura, a great RPG with all sorts of great things going for it…except its massive amount of Japanese text. Why has this potential classic never been localized? Why hasn’t anyone jumped all over the chance to translate it? Why are you still on the main page? Click on the link and read our first installment of Lost in Translation!

Genesis Reviews

TMNT: The Hyperstone Heist

How many of us grew up playing the Ninja Turtles arcade and NES games? Seriously, these wonderful games were a major part of many gamer’s diet back in the early ’90s, and it was always exciting to see home versions released. Imagine the excitement then, when Konami announced a classic Turtles beat-’em-up for the Genesis! Thing was, it was a little too classic, and it depended a bit too much on previous outings. Still, it was the Turtles on the Genesis, and gamers enjoyed the chance to beat down Shredder and the Foot Clan on their console. Was it worth the wait though?