Sega-16 always treasures a chance to talk to those who made our favorite games. Our latest inteview was almost enough to make Ken pass out with glee, as we finally got to speak to Jim Huether, producer of Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football and Ken’s personal favorite, Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse. Lots of info regarding these two landmark releases was revealed, so read the full interview for all the great info!
Author: Ken Horowitz
Sega Stars: Hideki Sato
Our Sega Stars feature series returns today, and this time we examine the man responsible for every Sega console ever made, Hideki Sato. From his days as head of Sega R&D, creating its incredibly popular arcade boards and home systems, to his tenure as the company’s president, where he had to oversee the end of the Dreamcast, Sato is one man who is undeniably Sega through and through.
History of: Strike Series
What a way to finish off the week! You’ve read the reviews for all three games, now why not see how they were made? With insight from creater Mike Posehn, our complete retrospective take a look at the entire franchise, which culminated with Nuclear Strike on the Playstation.
Interview: Jennifer Brozek (SOA Tester)
Ever want to be a video game tester? It seems much easier now, with all the special training and courses being offered nationwide, but back during the 16-bit era, getting into the business wasn’t so easy. Sega-16 recently sat down for some Q & A with Jennifer Brozek, a former Genesis game tester, and she gave us some great insight about what it was like to work on some of our favorite games!
Lost in the Arcade: Konami Games
For every game released on a console, many more are left in the arcade. Konami, one of the big guns in the industry, has more than their share of abandoned coin-ops. Games which would have fit snugly on Sega’s 16-bit consoles were instead left to languish in obscurity or be enjoyed only through emulation. We’ve compiled a list of the more notable titles, which you should play in some form or another. Read our latest installment of Lost in the Arcade and wonder what could have been…