Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, History Of

History of: Jurassic Park

From the original game to The Lost World, the penultimate release for the console, the four titles Sega gave us have sparked discussion and controversy around the Internet for years. Sega-16 takes a look at the games in the latest installment of our comprehensive History of… series. Have a read and watch out for the raptors!

Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 01

There’s been a tremendous flow lately of news regarding Genesis-related properties, from Sega’s announcements back at E3 last year to the release of the Sega Genesis Collection (PS2 & PSP) and EA Replay (PSP). With so much information floating around, Sega-16 has decided to save our readers the trouble of scouring the Internet for it all. Starting this month, we’ll be presenting a regular feature called MEGA Bits, wherein we’ll discuss all the great new remakes, sequels, and collections that have surfaced. There’s no small amount of Genesis goodness floating around so be sure to check it out! This month, we take a look at some remakes that have gone AWOL, the return of a long-dormant franchise, some new fan translations, and an incredible collection spanning the entire history of a true Sega classic!

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 14

Gamers everywhere use eBay for all their Genesis needs, but it’s not always a clean-cut purchase. It can sometimes take quite a while to weed through all the innaccurate auction titles, poor descriptions, and unclear shipping instructions that some sellers lamentably include in their listings. In the latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis, Sega-16 shares some past experiences with the popular site and chances are, you’ve had a couple of the same things happen to you!

Features, Interviews

Interview: Peter Morawiec (STI Programmer)

In our tireless efforts to document every aspect of the Genesis experience, Sega-16 has spoken to literally dozens of personalities from the era, including half a dozen former members of the Sega Technical Institute. Recently, we spoke with Peter Morawiec, designer of Comix Zone and Sonic Spinball. Mr. Morawiec had a lot of great stories to share about his work at the STI and his time at Sega, and he’s graciously provided us with never-before-seen concept art and demo videos of the aforementioned games, as well as a Sonic game that to have been based on the Sonic SATM cartoon. This video hasn’t been seen in years, and probably by no one outside of the STI itself! What are you waiting for?

Features, Side By Side

Side by Side: Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker (Genesis vs. Arcade)

Despite what you may think about Michael Jackson now, his musical talent is something that has remained consistent throughout the years. At the height of his fame, he was all over the place, including the movies, with the self-indulgent dance fantasy Moonwalker. Jackson himself is credited with the game concept and design of the video game versions of the movie, which were released for several consoles and in arcades. In our latest installment of Side by Side, we take a look at the Genesis and coin-op versions and see which comes out on top. Read the full article and try not to “woo!” too loudly.