Author: Ken Horowitz

Genesis Reviews

Incredible Hulk

Those who have played Radical Entertainment’s awesome Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction probably don’t remember an older game bearing the Incredible title, namely U.S. Gold’s stinker on the Genesis. This little gem exists in a world where the Hulk is hurt by bullets and takes a pill to turn into Bruce Banner, and where a pool of water means certain death. Yes, I’m serious. We were offered the choice of taking the full brunt of a Gamma bomb blast or reviewing The Incredible Hulk, and trust us, the review won by only the slimmest of margins. Read the full article and try to imagine the famous Lonely Man theme playing in the background as your desire to play the game slowly walks off into the sunset.

Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 07

This past month brought some big news for Genesis fans. We saw the return of two great franchises, a homebrew attempt to bring 2D Sonic The Hedgehog into high definition era, and more news about the new Golden Axe game. It’s all in the newest installment of MEGA Bites, so read the full article and get all the juicy details!

Features, Previews

Preview: Commando 3

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you a special Sega-16 update: Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3, the sequel to the Genesis classic MERCS, is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Store. Featuring online co-op play for up to three people and tons of action, this looks to be a great addition to anyone’s run-‘n-gun library. For more details, be sure to read our full preview.

Genesis Reviews

Crack Down

Between a rising Genesis and a dying Master System, Sega had so much software on its plate that it had to farm some of it out. Crack down, a two-player coin-op port, was one game that got handed over to Sage’s Creation. Featuring simultaneous co-op and a buttload of levels, this fun little action title didn’t get the attention it deserved – until now! Read our full review and get ready to add another title to your library!