Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection (Xbox 360)

Sega recently gave us another helping of Genesis love with the release of Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. We spent some time with the latter version, and after putting it through its paces (and getting all the achievements!), we’ve come away… less than impressed. This isn’t a bad collection by any means, but it’s also not a new one. Let’s just put it this way: those of you who still own a copy of the 2006 Sega Genesis Collection for the Playstation 2 might want to think twice about trading it in.

Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 10

MEGA Bites is back with a smattering of news from around the Genesis universe. Just enough to fill you up, this latest installment has some interesting details on the impending release of OutRun 2SP on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Store, Genesis emulators for your iPod, as well as… a Road Avenger novel? I kid you not! Head on over and read the full article for your dose of Genesis news!

Genesis Reviews

Turbo OutRun

Sega’s OutRun series has been tearing up the roads for almost three decades. Though gamers received a true sequel only a few years ago with the incredible OutRun 2, there were many titles released in the series during the interval. One arcade sequel that was brought home to Europe and Japan was Turbo OutRun, and while it is faithful to its source material in spirit, the actual execution leaves much to be desired.