A lot of classic game franchises have been making comebacks lately. Bionic Commando, Rocket Knight, and Splatterhouse are just a few of the brands that are being retooled for modern audiences. After Namco is finished giving Rick and his 2”x4” the upgrade treatment, I would love to see Rolling Thunder be next. Sadly, that hasn’t been announced yet (rubs rabbit’s foot and prays for an E3 miracle), so we’ll have to be satisfied with the excellent trilogy of games that is already out there. The third installment, a Genesis exclusive, was the last time we saw the Agency and Geldra go at it, and it’s actually a darn solid game.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Lists of Fury: 10 Best Licensed Games
Licensed games have traditionally been the bane of game consoles. While it’s true that many of today’s releases are actually quite playable, lulling gamers into a sense of safety about the quality of licensed games overall, there was a time when people cringed at the prospect of playing one (NES X-Men, anyone?). However, if you pick through the garbage, there are some true gems on the Genesis that not only should be played but given a permanent place in one’s collection.
Preview: Rocket Knight
After almost two decades away from the limelight, Konami’s Rocket Knight series blasts back into action in a new game for Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and Steam (PC). This new sequel retains the classic 2D gameplay of the previous two games, but it brings a modern coat of paint to the visuals. The “2.5” look marks a new style for the series, and we’ve got a complete preview of it for you to check out before the game hits May 12. Did we mention we also chatted with the game’s associate producer? Well, what are you waiting for then? Read the article and see why great heroes never die; they just play possum.
Interview: Mike Dietz (Virgin Int. Animation Director)
Many animators of the 16-bit era had a special love for the Genesis and its user-friendly hardware. With it, they were able to make some incredibly fluid games that still look beautiful today. Mike Dietz, as the director of animation for both Virgin Interactive Entertainment and Shiny Entertainment, shares that sentiment. Dietz was involved with such classics as Disney’s Aladdin, Cool Spot and the Earthworm Jim series, and he recently chatted with us about his time with the Genesis.
Bimini Run
Lots of Genesis publishers have disappeared, but some barely even showed up at all. Nuvision Entertainment was one company that vanished after a single release, and given the quality of the game in question, we have no doubt why it went under. Bimini Run is a repetitive, droning exercise in boredom that is thankfully over all too soon.