Author: Ken Horowitz

Genesis Reviews


Beat-’em-ups are quite common on the Genesis, and there are those that are truly memorable, such as Streets of Rage 2 and Final Fight CD on the Sega CD. However, for every light there is a darkness; for every ying a yang; for every Streets of Rage, there is a Growl. While Taito’s brawler might not seem so bad in isolation, compared to other releases in the genre – specifically those released before it – the game is substandard. Another victim in Taito’s line of neutered ports, Growl is a title only worthy of playing out of momentary curiosity.

Genesis Reviews


The Genesis is no stranger to controversy, especially where violent content is concerned. The current ratings system employed by the gaming industry is in very large part thanks to the initiative Sega took to identify the content of games released on its hardware. Titles like Night Trap and Mortal Kombat made huge waves in the press, but a few other equally violent games were almost completely ignored. One of those, TechnoCop, was probably given the cold shoulder due to one simple fact: it’s not very good. When you wrap dull gameplay in bad graphics and audio, the resulting package isn’t worthy of much notice.

Features, Previews

Preview: Star Odyssey

Almost twenty years ago, the now-defunct Genesis publisher Sage’s Creation announced the localization of a highly anticipated Japanese Genesis RPG. Blue Almanac was slated to arrive in America as the re-christined Star Odyssey, but the company left the industry before the game was released. For two decades, it languished in obscurity, until it was recently rescued by Super Fighter Team. The translation has been cleaned up, game-crashing bugs have been fixed, and now Star Odyssey is finally leaving Japan! We have a full preview of this historic game, which marks the first licensed Japanese title to be released outside of that country in more than fifteen years. Read the article and discover an adventure that is finally making its way westward!

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 06 Retrospective

The 27th of this month marks our sixth anniversary! Think about that for a second… we’ve been talking about the Genesis for more than half a decade already. And to think that we still have so much left to say! While we come up with some more articles for you, take a gander at this year’s retrospective. It hasn’t been as eventful a year as others, but that’s ok. We’re just thankful to be here after all this time.

Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 13

It’s nice to see that people are finally beginning to appreciate just how good the Genesis library is, and many franchises are being revived or ported to modern consoles. Everything from the Wii Virtual Console to the iPhone has seen classic 16-bit Sega goodness in some way or form, and now even Steam has Genesis games for purchase! We take a look at some of the latest developments in the Genesis arena in the newest edition of MEGA Bites, so read the full article for all the juicy details.