Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, Teasers

Teasers: Shaq-Fu: A Legend Reborn

Sometimes, the most unlikely of games get a second lease on life. That truth applies more to Shaq-Fu than just about any other game of the 16-bit era, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Big Deez Productions is actually bringing the former NBA star back for a new PC game, and this time the game actually doesn’t sound so bad.

Genesis Reviews


Namco’s early 16-bit efforts are a lot of fun, and Genesis owners everywhere should check them out. Among the batch is an underrated sports title that mixes American football with soccer (and a bit of wrestling). With its simple gameplay and frantic pace, fans of brutal sports games might want to give Powerball a spin.

Features, Teasers

Teasers: Boogerman 20th Anniversary

The most disgusting hero on the Genesis is back! Boogerman has come to Kickstarter for a chance to fart and burp his way into the modern era, with new levels and abilities, and even a two-player mode featuring Earthworm Jim! We’ve got all the details straight from the creators themselves, so read on and see how another Genesis franchise returns!