The Master System’s SegaScope 3-D glasses are largely considered to be a gimmick, but there is some solid gameplay with most of the titles that use the technology. Maze Hunter 3-D is a simple, arcadey maze game that makes great use of the effect for a solid and trippy experience.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Preview: Sega 3D Classics Collection Coming to 3DS!
Sega has announced a compilation of nine great games from its 3D Classics line on the Nintendo 3DS! This April, gamers will be able to play a selection of arcade, Master System, and Genesis hits in one set, either digitally or in physical form. Read on for all the details!
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 40
Many who grew up with Sega’s consoles used its 1-800-USA-SEGA customer service number to call about upcoming games and for tips and secrets. It was a great and personal way to speak to our favorite company. Sega has now disconnected the number, ending a grand part of its history. In tribute, Ken shares his experiences calling Sega over the years.
Interview: Brandon Humphreys (Virgin Games Artist)
Virgin Interactive gave Sega gamers plenty of reasons to be happy, releasing some of the best platforming and action titles of the era. During this period, Brandon Humphreys played a solid role in creating many of Virgin’s biggest hits, including Aladdin and RoboCop vs. Terminator. Recently, we had a chance to chat with him, and he was kind enough to share his experiences!
Defenders of Oasis
RPG fans looking for some adventure on their Game Gear should give Defenders of Oasis a try. Despite some basic design flaws, it has an interesting quest and a stellar presentation that are worth sinking some hours into. It’s not Phantasy Star, but it has its own charm, and there’s enough here to keep you coming back.