Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, Teasers

Teasers: Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap

DotEmu and Lizardcube are hard at work on a full HD remake of of the Master System and TG-16 classic Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. They recently released a new trailer, giving us our first glimpse of what to expect, but there are also a lot of other interesting tidbits of information that we’ve compiled for you! Read on and see how this one is shaping up.

Genesis Reviews

Robot Battler

On the Mega Drive, Sega began offering downloadable games via its MegaNet service. Robot Battler was among the titles released, but it offered little satisfaction compared to some of the other titles. Today, what novelty it has is gone, and the actual game is perhaps better left as a footnote in the company’s history.