Author: Ken Horowitz

Master System Reviews


As with many of Sega’s arcade titles of the ’80s, Quartet found its way onto the Master System. There were many changes in the transition, and the popular four-player feature of the original was lost. Still, the version that came home was fun enough to spend an afternoon with, especially with a friend.

Features, Sega Scan

Sega Scan: Sex & Sega: Partners in Print

Sex and video games go way back, and every game publisher has found a way to combine the two. Sega went farther than most did in its print advertising, particularly in Europe, and by the late ’90s its ads were quite daring. By the turn of the century, game ads had become raunchier and more provocative. We take a look at the history of sex in Sega’s print advertising, and discuss its impact.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Jerry Momoda (Sega Product Manager)

Jerry Momoda has been fortunate to work at some of the most influential game companies at times when they were either dominating the market or pushing hardware boundaries. With a résumé that includes Nintendo, Atari, and Namco, he was a major force behind the western release of Sega arcade hits like OutRun and Hang-On, as well as Stun Runner for Atari and Tekken at Namco.