Mutant Football League rose from the dead in 2017 and is currently available on Steam Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. At the 2018 Midwest Gaming Classic, we had the chance to check out the game in person, and creator Michael Mendheim was kind enough to sit down with us for an interview regarding MFL’s release and upcoming expansion.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Burning Rangers
One of the final Saturn releases was also one of its most original. Taking the action genre in a a new direction, Sonic Team had players take the role of a futuristic rescue team in a game that pushed Sega’s 32-bit hardware to its limit. Burning Rangers is both a technological achievement and a lot of fun.
Sega Legends: The Time Sega Got M.A.D.D.
In 1987, Sega joined Mothers Against Drunk Driving to create a public service announcement for teenagers. OutRun was the featured game, and the spot helped launched a national campaign about the issue. The ad was timely for everyone involved, particularly the video game industry.
Sega Firsts: Ulala Goes to Court
Sega’s court battle against former Deee-Lite singer Lady Miss Kier was a landmark case for video gaming, as it was the first example of California’s Supreme Court examining the issue of First Amendment protection and celebrity rights of publicity in video games. The verdict became a standard for future cases. Join us as we take a deep look at the case and how Sega made history.
Interview: Noah Copeland (Sonic Triple Trouble Remake)
Composer and programmer Noah Copeland is giving the Game Gear Sonic classic Triple Trouble a 16-bit facelift, and we just had to hear about it! We chatted with him about why he decided to tackle this project and if there are any other 8-bit upgrades in his future. Read on for all the details!