Big Evil Corporation makes a stellar debut on the Genesis with Tanglewood, an adorable platformer that was designed from the ground up with an original console development kit. Great presentation, rock-solid gameplay, and a lovable character make this a game Genesis owners need to snap up for their libraries.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Crazy Taxi
Let’s get crazy! Sega’s Crazy Taxi exploded onto the arcade scene in 1999, and a stellar conversion hit the Dreamcast the next year. With new options and modes, as well as all the punk rock-filled action of the original, this port was one many spent days at a time playing. No Dreamcast owner should be without it.
Astal was a welcome release for Saturn owners starving for new games. It also hinted at what could have been an amazing upgrade for 2D games on the new 32-bit machine. While it has its flaws, it remains a fun action platformer that boasts decent gameplay, some stunning visuals, and a stellar soundtrack.
Interview: Ray Price (Founder of Arcade816)
Ray Price’s Arcade816 is looking to take some of the most iconic game consoles of all time and put them in sexy arcade cabinets so that they can play their favorite games in an arcade setting. The result is a very sleek and practical way to give old consoles new life on modern screens and in locations where more people will experience them.
Preview: The Sega Arcade Revolution: A History in 62 Games
Ken Horowitz returns with his second Sega book! This new work chronicles the company’s arcade history from the early ’60s to the merger with Sammy Corp. 62 arcade classics are discussed in detail, along with multiple landmark events in Sega’s history! This is a must-read for Sega and arcade fans!