The first title released by the Sega Technical Institute, Kid Chameleon is a massive platformer with a cool character-changing dynamic. With all the cool stages and awesome masks to find, the only thing missing is a password.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Burning Force
Namco was one of the first companies to provide much needed third party support for the Genesis. Along with Phelios (awesome shmup), they released Burning Force, a Space Harrier-type shooter that tries very hard to emulate that pioneering title. Unfortunately, it comes up a bit short.
MERCS is a top-down run-‘n-gun a la Ikari Warriors that was released in arcades in the early ’90s. The Genesis version actually 1ups its older sibling by having two separate modes of play: arcade and original. In arcade mode, your mission is to rescue a former U.S. president. In original, you must destroy a foreign nation’s supply of ballistic missiles.
Mega Turrican
Data East brought us one of the best run-‘-n-gunners on the Genesis, and gamers were amazed at the evolution of Turrican from his original Accolade release. That had a lot to do with these being the only Turrican titles released on the platform, but what a way to cap off the series!
Landstalker: Treasure of King Nole
Mention the game Landstalker to any veteran gamer and you’re bound to get one of two responses: a nostalgic sigh or a slew of profanity. You may even get a little of both. It is unique to the 16-bit era and when it leaves that much of an impression on its players, you know something was done right.