Author: Ken Horowitz

Genesis Reviews

Quackshot Starring Donald Duck

Of all the characters in Disney’s stable, only Mickey Mouse is more famous than Donald Duck. Movies and cartoons galore have made the rodent’s pal one of the most recognizable figures ever created. I’ve always liked him, probably because he’s the only Disney character who really lets go when he’s pissed. Never one to be taken advantage of, Donald gets what he wants, no matter how much trouble it gets him into.

Genesis Reviews

Gunstar Heroes

If there’s one thing clearly understood about owning a Sega Genesis, it’s that Gunstar Heroes must be a part of your library. Say what you will about Treasure and how they’re overrated, untalented, etc; but you cannot deny that this is easily their finest hour on the system and arguably their best game overall.

Genesis Reviews

Sword of Vermilion

The first stab at an RPG by the arcade legends at AM2, Sword of Vermilion got some things right and just a tab bit more wrong. The result was a mediocre effort that, while worth playing, isn’t what would be expected by such a talented team. Chalk it up to growing pains?

Genesis Reviews


Everybody likes OutRun. The Ferrari, the music, the multiple paths; it’s all good. As one of the seminal racing games ever made, it has achieved almost legendary status. Originally released on the Sega Master System, it was brought to the Genesis in 1990 and was considered the best version until Sega brought it back on the Saturn for the Sega Ages Series.

Genesis Reviews

Super Fantasy Zone

Anyone who is familiar with the Fantasy Zone series will feel right at home with the Mega Drive sequel. Controls are essentially the same and the premise has not changed at all. After O-papa, (Opa-Opa’s dad) is killed by the returning Dark Menon (sounds like a perfume company), little Opa takes on the mantle of space savior and sets out to finish the job his father could not. Using all his skill and armament, he battles through ten stages of baddies in order to eliminate Menon once and for all.