Sega was all set to jump into the virtual reality arena with a headset of its own, but the project was quietly put down. All that remains are some videos from the 1993 summer Consumer Electronics Show to illustrate what might have been. Sega-16 takes a deep look at Sega’s efforts on the VR front in the article Sega VR: Great Idea or Wishful Thinking, as well as the efforts of other hardware makers of the time.
Author: Ken Horowitz
Sega Channel: The First Real Dowloadable Content
Capitalizing on the market strength of the Genesis console, the Sega Channel seemed to be a no brainer for Sega. Millions of gamers were expected to come flocking to not only the service but the console as well, giving the House of Hedgehog a steady stream of new users with which to further cement and expand their market share. It didn’t quite work out though.
Long before Hideo Kojima became obsessed with Metal Gear Solid, he crafted one of the most memorable and acclaimed games of the 8 and 16-bit generations. The only problem is that he’s never revisited it on any platform and has all but forgotten the series, much to the dismay of fans everywhere. With its gripping plot and well-developed characters, Snatcher is perhaps the best digital comic ever made and reason enough to make you run out and get a Sega CD. The fact that it’s the only English console release doesn’t any either.
Holiday Gaming: The Games of Christmas
The third installment of our Holiday Gaming series looks at the games of Christmas… as well as those that have some connection to the season. They may be few in number but after a bit of spiked eggnog, you won’t care. Read the article for more details.
Forgotten Franchises: Turrican
One of the most famous run-‘n-gunners of all time was also one of the first to lock and load on the Genesis. Turrican was a franchise that spawned several consoles and PC formats until it upped and vanished suddenly. What happened? Why would such a popular character suddenly disappear? Read on and find out.