Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, Forgotten Franchises

Forgotten Franchises: Eternal Champions

Many of the fighting games on the SNES are also on the Genesis, and really only a few are only found on Nintendo’s console. Of them, none are equal to the complexity, plot, or all-out brutality that Eternal Champions brought to gamers everywhere. Developer Deep Water pulled no punches (hah!) and created a game that set out to beat Mortal Kombat at its own game. I think it really would have succeeded too, had Sega not pulled the plug on the franchise just as it was coming into its own.

Features, Interviews

Interview: Kevin McGrath (Electronic Arts Programmer)

Kevin McGrath started his career in computer programming in 1982 at the ripe age of sixteen for the Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) working on educational software for the Apple II. He has worked for or contracted with several of the game industries top companies, including Dynamix, Electronic Arts, SEGA of America and Microsoft. At EA he worked on several SEGA Genesis titles including Populous, The Immortal and Road Rash II.