Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, History Of

History of: ToeJam & Earl

In 1991, Sega released a title that was a world apart from the standard platformers and shooting games of the era. ToeJam & Earl took the Genesis by storm with its seamless mix of hip-hop beats, random levels, and simultaneous two-player gameplay. A true Genesis classic, it set a standard for multi-player games that has withstood the test of time. Read about the complete history of the franchise in our retrospective, and get your groove on!

Features, Interviews

Interview: Nino Megadriver (Musician)

Game music is best, I think, when it is shown the love of some dedicated fans. That’s just what the Brazilian metal group MegaDriver does with their great renditions of the scores of games from long ago. Concentrating mostly on Genesis tunes, they have crafted awesome metal versions of songs for Double Dragon, Super Hang-On, Golden Axe, and Altered Beast. Group leader Nino spoke to us about his love for everything Mega Drive, so read the full interview for more details.

Features, Sega Stars

Sega Stars: Yuzo Koshiro

Just about every gamer knows his music. Whether it’s the soundtrack to Streets of Rage or the music to Shenmue, Yuzo Koshiro has been a mainstay of the gaming industry since the late 1980s. He has scored dozens of games, including some you may not even realized were his. A legend among Sega gamers, Koshiro’s skills and talent are among the best in the industry.