One of the most underrated RPGs around, Eye of the Beholder on the Sega CD deserves your attention. Featuring a deep quest, excellent exploration, and a soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro himself, this one is a must-have for all RPG fans!
Author: Ken Horowitz
Forgotten Franchises: Thunder Force
Combining maniac action with incredible graphics and awesome soundtracks, Thunder Force took no prisoners.
Yet after its fifth entry for both the Saturn and Playstation, the series upped and vanished. Technosoft quietly left the industry, and the series was no more. Why would anyone let one of gaming’s most cherished franchises disappear? What happened to the fabled sixth installment, which was slated to debut on the Sega Dreamcast? Many questions regarding Thunder Force’s fate have yet to be resolved, and it remains to be seen if they ever will be.
Hands-On: Sega Classics Collection (PlayStation 2)
Sega is pretty hit-and-miss when it comes to compilations. None of its sets have ever been perfect, from the obligatorily Sonic CD-less Sonic collections, to the audio-butchered Sega Smash Packs, all have lacked something vital. With the practice of re-releasing classics titles very much in vogue at the moment, it seemed like the perfect moment for Sega to learn from past mistakes and finally give the masses what they want… and in typical Sega style, it missed the boat…again.
Interview: Richard Karpp (BlueSky Software Programmer)
During Blue Sky Software’s stellar run on the Genesis it was the home to many talented artists and designers. One of its brightest stars was Richard Karpp, who had a hand in many classics and was the designer on BlueSky’s most memorable title, VectorMan. As both a designer and programmer, Karpp has lent his talents to many of the company’s Genesis titles, including Starflight and Jurassic Park. He has most recently been credited as one of the programmers for SCEA’s Playstation 2 hit The Mark of Kri and its sequel Rise of the Kasai.
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 02
Roadtrips can often be great. There are times though, when they are straight out of hell! One such trip in the name of Sega 16-bit fever teetered on disaster several times, but in the end no one was hurt. Wallets and pride weren’t so lucky. Read all about it the second installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis.