Author: Ken Horowitz

Features, Sega Scan

Sonic Crackers: The Lost Sonic Game

We conclude our week-long celebration in honor of Sonic’s birthday with a look at the Sonic game that never was: Sonic Crackers. Elements of the unreleased beta found their way into later games, but this was one Genesis title that was more than the sum of its parts, and could really have shone, had it been given the chance. Read our full report and see what could have been.

Features, Sega Stars

Sega Stars: Yuji Naka

Arrogant egomaniac to some, genius to others, Naka has been synonymous with Sega for over twenty years. From his early work on such Master System gems like the original Phantasy Star to such recent efforts like Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg on the GameCube, Naka has seen action on every Sega console and continues to be an integral part of their “platform agnostic” strategy, pushing the boundaries of innovation and originality, as well as constantly reinventing his star franchise.

Features, History Of

History of: Sonic The Hedgehog

1991 was the year that Sega finally began to loosen Nintendo’s iron grip on the gaming market, and it all started with a single game. Sonic the Hedgehog would eventually go on to become synonymous with everything Sega, and is still going strong after all this time. Join us as we take a look at the ‘Hog’s long and eventful history in this special edition of our History of series.

Features, Retrospectives

Sega-16 Year 01 Retrospective

June is a very special month here at Sega-16. It marks the one-year anniversary of the site, and my, what a ride it has been. We’re only getting started, and year two looks to be bigger and better than the first. Still, reflection is always a good thing, and I had some thoughts on the site’s first year that I wanted to share with you, the reader. Sega-16: Year One Retrospective takes a look back on the long, winding road that brought us to where we are now.