Author: Edward Figueiredo

Genesis Reviews

Magic Girl (Original Release)

Unlicensed Mega Drive games are actually quite common outside the U.S., and many come from Taiwan. Over the last few years, many have surfaced in some form or another, allowing western gamers to finally get a chance at playing them. Among them was this shmup by Gamtec, which is worth a glance, despite its sweet look and derivative gameplay.

Genesis Reviews


The Genesis has lots of shooters, including many that never made it to all territories. This has given them a special type of charm that makes import buyers eager to get their hands on the next great foreign hit, like Gleylancer or Panorama Cotton. Unfortunately, some, while not as exceptional, are still worth playing for a low price, providing one takes the trouble to track them down.

Genesis Reviews

Xenon 2 Megablast

What is widely considered to be a classic Amiga shooter comes to the Genesis in notably worse shape. Horrible slowdown, dodgy power-ups, and missing stages are just some of the problems plaguing this sub-standard port. If you really want to experience Xenon 2, stick with the Amiga original.

Genesis Reviews

Darwin 4081

Sega did a great job porting Data East’s arcade shooter, and Darwin 4081 is sure to offer a decidedly different take on space shooters for those who think they’ve seen it all. This Japan-only import sports some solid gameplay and an interesting weapons system, and while it’s not the best shmup around, it’s one that’s worth checking out.

Genesis Reviews

Thunderbolt II

Contrary to what many people think, Thunderbolt II is not a bootleg. It comes from the same unlicensed background as titles such as Beggar Prince and games released by Tengen and Accolade. It also only came out in Taiwan, which makes it extremely rare. But is it good? Read on and find out!