Author: Benjamin Galway

Genesis Reviews

Fatal Rewind

Someday, the world will tire of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune, and corporate executives will mesh game shows with reality T.V., giving us Fatal Rewind. Yes, after Dr. Phil and Oprah, it will be time to watch people die! This is the true and only future for television, and Sega-16 gives you a glimpse of tomorrow with our review of the game that tells it all!

Genesis Reviews

Micro Machines Turbo Tournament ‘96

Those who grew up in the early ’90s remember the Micro Machines well. The darn things had toys for just about every vehicle ever made. They had a few games too, and Turbo Tournament ’96 ranks among the best. So many options, so much fun! Our complete write up tells all about this great little racer that you probably overlooked, so check it out and see what you’ve been missing!

Genesis Reviews

Star Control

PC gamers know Star Control well. They’ve been playing it and its stellar sequels for years. Console owners have had to make due with only the original game, which was ported to the Genesis in 1991. Deep and addictive, it still holds up today, making it an essential part of any Genesis library.

Features, Hands-On

Hands-On: Ecco: Songs of Time Music Collection

The quality of Spencer Nilsen’s Ecco the Dolphini scores is undeniable. Haunting yet inviting, they soothe and offer the perfect picture of what life under the sea must sound like. Many of the tracks from both games were released on a single CD entitled Ecco: Songs of Time, and Sega-16 staff editor Ben Galway has all the details on why it’s such a great piece to own.